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UUKi: Global Mobility Conference 2025

Mauve Group is attending UUKi's Global Mobility Conference at Woburn House in London on 24 February 2025.

This year's one-day event will welcome innovative speakers and fellow global mobility professionals. You can also look forward to exciting breakout sessions led by key voices from UUKi's member institutions, including the University of Birmingham, the University of Portsmouth, and the University of Kent.

With a wide range of industry figures present, delegates will have the opportunity to discuss key topics – from challenges and high-level strategies facing global mobility, to the opportunities at hand such as the personal impact a life-changing mobility experience can have on students.

Meet Annette Ord (Commercial Director) and Abi Streeton (Global Account Manager) from Mauve Group, and explore how our portfolio of global mobility solutions - including Independent Contractor Solutions, Global Visa & Immigration, and Global Payroll - can help take your higher education institute or organisation overseas, while remaining compliant along the way.

The day will conclude with our team from Mauve Group addressing all attendees at the networking reception – giving you the chance to engage with like-minded professionals.

Register for tickets, today.

We look forward to meeting you!

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