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The world’s 25th largest economy and the second largest in South America, Argentina is a popular business destination, thanks to its high-quality workforce with region-leading English and professional skills. A member of the MERCOSUR trading bloc, the local economy is underpinned by the country’s plentiful natural resources including shale oil and gas reserves, minerals and precious metals. Mauve has its own local entity in Argentina and is ready to assist with your requirements through our extensive range of in-country services.



Bordered by Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, Chile, and Peru, the landlocked country of Bolivia is the most elevated country in South America. The country’s seat of government, La Paz, stands at 3,640m above sea level. Bolivia is diverse in population and landscape, with 37 official languages and terrains that include deserts, rainforests, and alpines. The western half of the country is dominated by the Andes mountains, while the east and north of the country flattens into lowland and extends into the Amazon. Bolivia also has the second-largest reserves of natural gas in the region.



Brazil is the largest economy in South America by some margin. It has also taken a prime position on the world stage in recent years, as high-profile hosts of the World Cup and 2016 Olympics. The country partners with Russia, India and China to make up the BRIC economies. With a population of 205 million, Brazil is the 5th most populous country in the world. Mauve has its own local entity in Brazil and is ready to assist with your requirements through our extensive range of in-country services.



A relatively stable and prosperous location in Latin America, Chile’s economy has more than doubled over the past decade. The country’s unusual shape means a varied landscape and climate, and thus industry is primarily based on its natural resources. Copper, grapes, fish, lumber, paper and gold are among the biggest exports. It is seen as a regional leader in competitiveness and ease of doing business. Mauve has its own local entity in Chile and is ready to assist with your requirements through our extensive range of in-country services.



Thanks to strong political stability, upgraded infrastructure and vastly improved security, Colombia is a markedly different country than it was 20 years ago. Colombia has the fastest-growing information technology industry in the world, while healthy growth in tourism, manufacturing, shipbuilding and petroleum offers a bright economic outlook for the country. Mauve has its own local entity in Colombia and is ready to assist with your requirements through our extensive range of in-country services.



Ecuador has a multicultural history. Peruvian and Spanish settlers mingled with native Andean peoples in this predominantly farming-based country, which was thrust onto the global stage by the discovery of oil in the 1960s. Today, one of the country’s biggest exports is bananas, and tourists flock to the Andes, rainforests and nearby Galapagos islands. Mauve uses the services of an expert local partner in Ecuador and is ready to assist with your requirements through our extensive range of in-country services.