Mauve Group CEO Ann Ellis Features on BBC Radio Cymru
Ann Ellis joins legendary broadcaster Beti George to discuss her journey to global business success with Mauve Group
Welsh friends! Catch CEO of Mauve Group Ann Ellis speaking with legendary broadcaster Beti George on BBC Radio Cymru about the songs that have inspired Ann – from her early childhood in rural Wales to the present day, where she is the owner of over 60 companies worldwide.
Mauve Group is a global organisation that helps businesses from any industry expand overseas. It helps organisations employ staff in a new country or even set up their own international company in an easy, trouble-free way.
During her interview with Beti, Ann discussed the importance of marketing Welsh products and services to a global marketplace. As a proud Welsh national, Ann believes strongly that Welsh companies deserve to be promoted on an international platform.
If you are a Welsh organisation or business that needs support to expand into a foreign country, then please contact Mauve Group. We have extensive experience in this field and will assist you along the way. Get in touch today – we have bi-lingual staff who are ready to advise.
Tune in to Ann’s appearance on “Beti a’i Phobol”, BBC Radio Cymru on Sunday 4th September at 13.30 BST, repeated again on Thursday 8th September at 21.00 BST.
Gyfeillion Cymraeg! Gwrandewch ar Brif Weithredwr Mauve Group, @annmauvegroup yn siarad gyda Beti George am y caneuon sydd wedi ei hysbrydoli ers ei phlentyndod yng nghefn gwlad Cymru, lle mae’n berchennog ar dros 60 o gwmniiau byd eang. BBC Radio Cymru “Beti a’i Phobol” – ar Medi yr 4ydd am 1.30yp ag Medi yr 8fed am 9.00yh.
Sefydliad sydd yn helpu busnesau o unrhyw ddiwydiant i ehangu yn fyd-eang yw @MauveGroup. Fe all hyn olygu cyflogi gweithwyr mewn gwlad newydd ar ran y cwmnïau neu, os dymunir, gellir cynnig cymorth i sefydlu’r cwmnïau hynny mewn gwlad dramor mewn modd rhwydd a di-drafferth.
Yn ystod ei chyfweliad gyda Beti, fe soniodd Ann am y pwysigrwydd o farchnata cynnyrch a gwasanaethau o Gymru i gynulleidfa fwyd eang. Fel un sydd yn falch iawn o’i Chymreigtod, mae Ann yn argyhoeddiedig bod cwmnïau o Gymru yn haeddu cael eu hyrwyddo ar lwyfan rhyngwladol.
Os ydych chi’n sefydliad neu’n fusnes Cymreig sydd angen cymorth i ehangu i wlad dramor, yna cysylltwch gyda Mauve Group. Mae gennym brofiad eang yn y maes ac fe wnawn eich arwain ar hyd y ffordd. Cysylltwch yma – mae gennym staff dwy-ieithog sydd yn barod i’ch helpu.
Cadwch olwg am Ann ar BBC Radio Cymru ar Medi yr 4ydd am 1.30yp ag Medi yr 8fed am 9.00yh!
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