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Comic Relief Testimonial

Comic Relief is a major UK-based charity. Responsible for nationally-renowned campaigns such as Red Nose Day and Sport Relief, their vision is of a just world, free from poverty, violence and discrimination. Through the support of donations, Comic Relief partners with projects and organisations to make a difference in the lives of millions of people across the UK and around the world.

Comic Relief’s Head of People, Facilities and Travel Sanj Shah discussed her experiences of working with Mauve Group and its international Employer of Record service.

Comic Relief had been considering recruiting outside the UK for some time and decided to trial the employer record model by working with Mauve Group, who came highly recommended by a colleague. Right through from initial promising conversations with our Account Manager Caroline, my experience of Mauve Group (and employer of record in general) has been excellent.

I particularly want to recognise Mauve’s enabling attitude, and their generosity of openness with information. The amount of time invested upfront by Caroline and the rest of the team to reassure me and the EoR worker about the process, and our role within it, was incredibly helpful. I felt this focus on clarity and comfort was incredibly helpful for those that are new to this way of working.
The flexibility offered by Mauve Group from the beginning of our negotiations has been a stand-out point for us. Contracts were adapted to our terms, and when we needed expedited timescales on a salary benchmarking service (usually provided within seven days), the team turned it around in 48 hours. The reassurance and willingness to meet us beyond a halfway point was really appreciated.

I also value the way in which our relationship with Mauve has felt like a thought partnership. If I need advice where international experience would be useful, I call Caroline and ask her opinion. To have that kind of relationship where you can contact your provider for a no-strings-attached conversation is another great example of the “above and beyond” ethos Mauve have demonstrated to us.

Sanj Shah – Head of People, Facilities and Travel, Comic Relief