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At a glance

  • Capital

    New Delhi

  • Currency

    Indian Rupee (₹, INR)

  • Official Languages

    Hindi, English (official languages)

  • Population Size

    1,375,586,000 (2022)

  • Ease of doing business


  • VAT

    18% is the general tax rate but the GST rate is from 5% to 28% . A Compensation Cess is also levied on certain goods.


India is an ancient civilisation, home to a hugely diverse patchwork of religions and cultures within its 29 states and 7 union territories. India is a member of a group of rising economies known as the BRIC countries, and has a fast-developing economy with an average growth rate of 7% over the last two decades. Mauve has its own local entity in India and is ready to assist with your requirements through our extensive range of in-country services.