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Coffee Break Q&A: Ashleigh Duncan

We sit down with New Zealand-based Sales & BD Consultant Ashleigh Duncan

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This time on the Coffee Break Q&A blog series, we welcome Sales and Business Development Consultant Ashleigh Duncan.. Having completed her degree studies in Business Management and achieving a Masters at Hult International Business School, Ashleigh honed her business development skills in the software and communications industries in San Francisco and London, before joining our sales team at Mauve’s head office in Paphos. A well-traveled member of staff who understands at first hand what it means to be an expatriate living abroad, Ashleigh relocated to Australia to support and grow our APAC business. She has now settled for the longer-term in New Zealand.

We sat down with Ashleigh for a Coffee Break Q&A to find out more about her role at Mauve Group, her travel recommendations and Southern Hemisphere festive plans.

1. What is your role at Mauve Group?

Account Manager and Business Development Consultant

2. What’s one thing that surprised you about working at Mauve Group?

Mauve’s ability to be innovative, forward thinking and provide global expansion solutions that support remote working – even when this wasn’t the norm.

3. How did you come to work at Mauve Group?

I was living in Cyprus for a holiday, applied for the job and here I am over 3 years later! I love working for Mauve Group and it has allowed me to travel and live in New Zealand.

4. What’s a work-related accomplishment that you’re really proud of?

Building new client relationships in the Asia Pacific region. It has been challenging to build new client relationships from scratch in this area as I am the only employee based locally, but we are starting to see an increase in clients in this region that we are supporting with our solutions. It’s been great to represent Mauve on this side of the world!

5. What future trends do you predict in the world of work?

I think remote working and hiring talent in countries where companies are not registered will become much more popular. We are already beginning to see this!

6. Where is your favourite place you’ve ever travelled to?

The Cook Islands! Coconuts and paradise islands are my favourite!

7. Name a book you think everyone should read at least once.

The Prophet by Khalil Gibran – beautiful and wise poetry!

8. Tell an outsider 3 things they might not know about New Zealand?

The North and South Island are completely different – they feel like totally different countries! The north is more temperate with gorgeous beaches, the south chillier and more mountainous.

There are many active volcanoes that people hike every day

The term “kiwi” is given to New Zealanders. Before I moved here, I thought it was after the fruit, but it’s actually from a native flightless bird

9. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve heard?

To trust that every moment is unfolding exactly as it should be, and every challenge is helping you to grow into the person you want to become.

10. What does a New Zealand Christmas look like for you?

My partner and I will be in a camper van somewhere close to a beach soaking in the summer sun!

Big thanks to Ashleigh for joining us on this month’s Coffee Break Q&A, and we hope she has an amazing campervan Christmas in the relative freedom of New Zealand! 

Fancy working alongside Ashleigh? We are expanding our local team and hiring a brand new Sales Administrator in New Zealand! Find out more about the role and how to apply here.