Expat Stories: Stephanie Parker
Meet Stephanie Parker, Payroll Assistant at Mauve, as she shares her experiences of relocating around the world – before immigrating as an expat to Cyprus.

This month, we welcome Mauve Group's very own Stephanie Parker for our Expat Stories series.
With over 20 years of experience in HR and global payroll, Stephanie works in the Payroll department at Mauve Group. She ensures that all workers that Mauve supports globally are paid on time in their local currency.
Stephanie is a real globetrotter and has previously relocated across the United States, as well as to Uruguay, Malta, and Cyprus. Through both her personal experiences and her professional expertise in international payroll, she has gained a deep understanding of what it takes to succeed when moving to a new country.
Tell us about yourself, and what made you decide to move to Cyprus?
I am Stephanie Parker, Payroll Assistant at Mauve Group in Cyprus. I have worked for Mauve for over two years and lived in the country for seven years. I am originally from San Diego, California and spent a lot of my childhood moving all over the place. My dad worked for one of the biggest telephone companies and every time he got promoted, we moved to a different area. So, from a young age I was very used to moving around.
When I first left the States, I moved to Uruguay. In preparation for the big move, I had been learning Spanish for almost two years and got certified to teach English as a second language – to give myself more job opportunities in South America.
My time in Uruguay ended up being shorter than first planned. But after throwing darts at a world map, I ended up in Malta. Here, I lived and worked for five years, before relocating to Cyprus. It has been a rollercoaster ride, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Moving around has always been such an adventure. And when I was in Malta, I met my husband.
How did you find your current role with Mauve Group?
It was the news of Britain leaving the EU, which led us to relocate to Cyprus; we knew we wouldn’t be able to stay in Malta in the long-term. My husband had been to Cyprus previously. But for me, the day I set foot in Cyprus to live was the first time I had ever been here.
To best explain how I found my current role at Mauve, I should let you know I have had two different careers. In the States (I often refer to this as my past life), I managed the HR and payroll side of an animal hospital for 20 years, which gave me a lot of experience.
Then when I left the States, I started dabbling in culinary opportunities – which, over time, led me to progress in running a kitchen and crafting menus at cafes and restaurants. Since being in Cyprus, and particularly after the pandemic, I decided to go back to my former career in HR and payroll work, which eventually led to my current role at Mauve Group. I enjoy keeping up-to-date with all the countries I oversee, being aware of developments, and looking after payroll requirements.
How did you prepare for relocation?
When I first left the States, I left with two suitcases. The house had been sold and belongings had been given away. It was time to start afresh. However, preparing to relocate from Malta to Cyprus was slightly different. My husband and I had five animals and lots of furniture to ship to Cyprus. It was hard organising the container ship, as there are so many insurances and requirements when relocating – you need to read everything with a fine-tooth comb.
Were there any factors which made the relocation easier?
Relocation from Malta to Cyprus was made easier, by knowing people who had previously made the move and could advise us on where to get our groceries, how to register with a doctor, and get our prescriptions.
The other thing that made it easier was that I already had the experience of moving before, as did my husband (he had lived in France, before we met in Malta). We were both aware of the processes involved in relocating, such as obtaining residency.
What were the most challenging aspects of relocation?
Getting the timing right and coordinating the move from Malta to Cyprus around setting up a house, starting new jobs, and relocating the animals was tough.
How was navigating the visa and immigration process?
Relocating to Cyprus and trying to get settled before Brexit was finalised, made it easier than attempting to do it after the UK officially left the EU. Equally, because my husband is English - which categorised me as an EU spouse - it made it much easier to complete the relevant forms, as a spouse of an EU citizen for the residency paperwork.
How important do you think it is to have experts, such as Mauve Group, to assist and guide you through the relocation process?
I think it's important to have people on the ground to assist and guide clients and workers through the relocation process. It is imperative you know what the tax implications are going to be, after you relocate and the local employment laws that are in place.
Having seen friends struggle with the process of gaining residency and right-to-work documentation, seeking support is essential. I have seen first-hand the impact Mauve Group has made on ensuring processes are meticulously followed. All the right questions are asked and the outcome is seamless.
What is your favourite part of living abroad?
My degree was in art history. So, I have always been interested in different cultures and digging in and learning from others, their foods, traditions, and ways of life. That's absolutely my favourite part.
What is your top tip for moving to a new country?
Get into the local culture, 100%.
If you were to relocate again, what would you do differently or how would you prepare yourself better?
I would cut down on the amount of stuff I relocated with. You just don't need as many material objects as you think.
Also, make sure that you get your healthcare and medical insurance sorted as soon as possible.
Thank you, Stephanie, for sharing your experiences of relocation with us!
If your organisation is looking to expand overseas and requires global visa and immigration support, contact us to learn how our global HR solutions could help.