Mauve to host Welsh business event in Dubai
Register today for our free-to-attend event, 'From Wales to the World: Bridging Borders, Expanding Business' on 22/11/2023.

Mauve Group is delighted to announce ‘From Wales to the World: Bridging Borders, Expanding Business,’ a celebration of Welsh business in Dubai, taking place on 22 November 2023.
The Welsh business landscape is rich in innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurial spirit, and as the working world becomes increasingly global, ‘From Wales to the World’ celebrates Welsh business leaders who are looking beyond borders and bringing their vision to the global stage.
Mauve Group looks forward to welcoming a keynote speaker, along with some special entertainment – for a night of food and drink, inspirational speeches, music, and networking in celebration of Welsh businesses connecting with Dubai and the world.
The event will take place in the beautiful surrounds of Gohan in the Jumeirah Emirates Towers Hotel, and attendees will learn how to overcome boundaries to personal and professional growth, meet new connections, and celebrate Welsh business.
This event is free to attend – and Mauve Group encourages entrepreneurs of all backgrounds, to attend to network with colleagues from around the world and embrace the power of connection across continents.
If you wish to attend, please register today.
This event is organised by CA Business Futures.
Mae’n bleser gan Mauve gyhoeddi ‘O Gymru i’r Byd: Pontio Ffiniau, Ehangu Busnes’, dathliad o fusnes Cymreig yn Dubai, a gynhelir ar 22ain o Dachwedd.
Mae tirwedd busnes Cymru yn gyfoethog o ran arloesedd, creadigrwydd, ac ysbryd entrepreneuraidd, ac wrth i’r byd gwaith ddod yn fwy byd-eang, mae ‘O Gymru i’r Byd’ yn dathlu arweinwyr busnes Cymreig sy’n edrych y tu hwnt i ffiniau ac yn dod â’u gweledigaeth i’r llwyfan byd-eang.
Mae Mauve yn edrych ymlaen at groesawu prif siaradwr ynghŷd âg adloniant arbennig, ar gyfer noson o fwyd a diod, areithiau ysbrydoledig, cerddoriaeth, a rhwydweithio i ddathlu busnesau Cymreig sy’n cysylltu â Dubai a’r byd.
Bydd y digwyddiad yn cael ei gynnal yn bwyty moethus Gohan yng Ngwesty Jumeirah Emirates Towers, a bydd y mynychwyr yn dysgu sut i oresgyn ffiniau tŵf personol a phroffesiynol, creu cysylltiadau newydd a dathlu busnes Cymreig.
Mae'r digwyddiad hwn yn rhad ac am ddim i'w fynychu, a byddai Mauve yn annog entrepreneuriaid o bob cefndir i fynychu, i rwydweithio â chydweithwyr o bob cŵr o'r byd ac adnabod cyfleon i greu cysylltiadiadau ar draws cyfandiroedd.
Os hoffech fynychu, cofrestrwch yma.
Trefnir y digwyddiad hwn gan CA Business Futures.

Mauve is recruiting – Global Sales Manager
Join our global Sales team, today.

Mauve Group to co-host major panel at Wales Week London 2025
Reserve your free ticket and join us as we co-host an exciting evening celebrating Welsh sport, business, and culture.