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Success Stories 2 min read

Humentum – Testimonial

Humentum’s Global Finance Director Jocelyn Boughton shares her experience of working with Mauve Group.

Established in 2017, Humentum is a leading membership organisation for the aid and development sector. Humentum has utilised Employer of Record and Global Payroll services from Mauve Group. Jocelyn Boughton, Global Finance Director at Humentum, elaborated on the experience of working with Mauve Group:

As a member organisation for the humanitarian and development sector, our aim is to stand as a force for social good, providing the tools and guidance that enable non-profits to maximise their philanthropic impact. Our members look to us to demonstrate best practice in operational efficiency – and so we hold all our suppliers to the highest standard. Mauve Group has been that exemplary partner to us.

Mauve helps Humentum to manage the employment of our international network of colleagues through their global Employer of Record solutions, meaning that we can focus more time on the vital work of elevating our members and their social causes. Mauve’s broad infrastructure, skilled staff and adaptable solution packages have become important assets to us, and we are now in the process of moving all existing EoR workers over to their care.

We are also exploring building further Mauve services into our package, such as Global Payroll. Mauve’s personalised partnership gives us the ability to weigh up what works best for us as an organisation, in line with our future goals and plans. Mauve’s collaboration and trustworthiness provides assurance of smooth, compliant employment for our international workforce.

Jocelyn Boughton, Global Finance Director, Humentum

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