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Coffee Break Q&A: Louise Reposo

Meet Mauve's Global Account Manager, Louise Reposo!

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Introducing our second Coffee Break Q&A of the year – this month, we welcome Global Account Manager, Louise Reposo! As one of our long-standing members of the Mauve Family, Louise is responsible for managing key accounts and sourcing new business overseas.


Louise Reposo


Now based in Scotland, Louise began her career working for the cultural attaché of the Swedish Embassy in London. She is also an avid runner and a lover of international travel, having developed her enthusiasm exploring Asia and Australia.
Louise joins us for this month’s Coffee Break Q&A to discuss more about her job role, hobbies, and favourite place to travel!

1. Tell us about yourself and your role at Mauve Group.

 Well… I’m a global account manager, Mum of 2 (plus one dog), avid runner and proficient multitasker!

2. What is your favourite part about your job role?

We have an incredibly diverse client portfolio – I enjoy connecting with people from all over the globe and supporting them with finding the optimal global employment solutions.

 3. What do you believe is the most important skill to have in sales and why?

Communication and straight talking.

 4. What is one thing that would surprise people about working in Scotland?

Firstly, it doesn’t rain all the time. I also live in a small village at the foot of the highlands and there are a surprising number of inhabitants working from home for global corporations. 

5. What is the most challenging part about your job role?

It can be quite fast paced and keeping up with the changes to all our country solutions would challenge the best of minds.

6. Where is your favourite place to travel to and why?

Asia – in particular, India. I spent 6 months back-packing around India in my early 20s and this may sound cliché, but I had some powerful experiences there which changed my entire outlook on life.

 7. If you could be any fictional character, who would you be and why?

Miss Marple – the best sleuth around! She runs rings around everyone and despite her ‘cosy’ appearance, she has the mind of steel trap.

 8. Do you have any phobias? If so, what are they?

Public Speaking – I can literally have a panic attack just thinking about it.

9. What are your new year’s resolutions (if any)?

I prefer goals to resolutions!

10. What do you think the world of work will be like in 5 years time? (eg. remote working, everything virtual, advanced technology, etc.)

Pre-pandemic life was incredibly fast paced for most of us.  Lockdown gave us the opportunity to slow down and I hope that we can retain that slower pace of life.

I think we’ll continue to work virtually, meet clients virtually etc. and that’s not bad a thing!

Thank you to Louise for joining us on this month’s Coffee Break Q&A! For more updates on our Coffee Break Q&As, follow Mauve Group on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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