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Coffee Break Q&A: Grace Stoner

Get to Know Mauve's Account Manager Grace Stoner

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On this month’s Coffee Break Q&A, we welcome Grace Stoner! After having worked as Mauve’s Sales Support for over a year, Grace’s hard work and commitment paid off as she was recently promoted to Account Manager. 

Originally from London, Grace worked as a qualified sailing and water sports instructor, followed by a Specialist Skin Care Consultant in a local London pharmacy. After deciding that a sunnier location was more ideal for her, Grace moved to Cyprus in 2014 – where she became a massage therapist and wedding make-up artist before settling into her role in sales as a valuable member of the Mauve Family.

We sat down with Grace to learn more about her job role, her tips for staying productive throughout a workday, and the biggest challenge of her career so far. 

1. Tell us about yourself and your role at Mauve Group.

I’m Grace, and my current role at Mauve is Sales Admin Support, meaning I work closely with the Account Managers – particularly Helen, whose based in our UK office. However, I’ve recently been promoted and am soon to start my new role as Account Manager.

I’m originally from London but have lived in Cyprus for the last seven years, after deciding that London was too grey for me.

2. What surprised you most about working at Mauve?

When you think of an administration job, you instantly think data entry – which is fine – but it can be a little tedious at times, so I was shocked at how diverse this job is. No two days are the same. We have clients all over the world from many different industries. It’s great to be in a fast-paced, constantly changing job – it’s never boring, that’s for sure!

3. What inspired you to start a career in sales?

I’ve always been good at talking to people, having worked in customer-facing roles for years. I saw the job advertised not long after we came out of the first lockdown here in Cyprus. Like many other people, I had lost my previous job due to the lockdown, so I thought, what have I got to lose? Let’s give it a go! After working as Sales Support for a year to then receiving my promotion, it seems to have paid off!

4. What are your tips for staying productive throughout a workday?

I love a list! – I write lists for everything. I’m exactly the same at home too, my boyfriend makes fun of me for walking around the shop with my pen and paper, but it’s better than forgetting the milk!

The first thing I do at the start of the day is write a list of the things that need to be done. I tick them off/add stuff on as I go along. 

I also can’t work without some form of background noise. Whether it’s music or the tv – it helps me concentrate and I can tick things off the list faster.

5. What is the biggest challenge you have had to overcome in your career?

The second lockdown was certainly a challenge. Just over a month after I joined Mauve, Cyprus was put into a second lockdown, meaning although I didn’t lose my job this time around (thankfully), we had to work from home.

Having been so new to the company and only just getting to know my new colleagues to then having to do all training remotely and not being in the office with someone to ask for help was a bit daunting. But we got through it.

I also don’t know what it was about working from home that makes you believe it’s acceptable to have ice cream for breakfast but let’s just say, I’m glad to be back in the office!

6. If you could work anywhere else in the world, where would you choose?

Tuscany, Italy. I’ve always wanted to live in Tuscany – it’s so beautiful. I spent the first lockdown teaching myself Italian. I’m by no means an expert, and my Italian speaking is probably laughable, but I can read and understand a lot more than I’m aware of. 

7. What are your favourite hobbies outside of work?

Living in Cyprus is great for me because I absolutely love going to the beach. However, I haven’t been much this year as it’s been a very busy year. We have two dogs – a Husky and a Rottweiler, so as soon as the humidity drops, I’ll be going down to the beach and taking them with me! 

8. If you could meet and have dinner with anyone who has ever lived, who would it be?

Audrey Hepburn – I’ve loved her since I was a child. I think she’s very underrated when it comes to the things she has done in her lifetime, aside from her career. 

Also, my Nan, who passed away when I was 18 before I made the move to Cyprus. I’d love to sit down with her and tell her about all the things I’ve been up to in the last 9 years.

9. What three words would your friends use to describe you?

Loud, funny, and honest.

10. What is the best advice you have ever been given?

Keep your feet on the ground and your head in the stars – My Nan.

Thank you Grace for joining us on this month’s Coffee Break Q&A! For more updates on our Coffee Break Q&As, follow Mauve Group on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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