Meet up with Mauve
2019 events schedule

We’ve barely had a chance to draw breath after the busy festive period and we’re already half-way through the first month of 2019! This year, one of Mauve’s priorities is to make face-to-face connections with as many clients, partners and prospects as possible; in a world where business is increasingly conducted online and can be faceless, the value of a personalised meet-up should not be ignored. We relish any opportunity to make proper human connections, not least because of the type of field we operate within – one with people at its core, where trustworthiness, visibility and empathy are key.
As a result, we have devised an even busier schedule of events and exhibitions for 2019, visiting important hub cities around the world. This will bring the Mauve trade presentation to a huge number of global attendees, and will allow us to work in a programme of client visits in nearby cities. Below, we run through the current event schedule so you can track our progress and match with your own plans for trade events this year.
For tickets or to arrange a meeting around any of these dates, drop us a line on the Contact Form or call one of our offices – numbers can be found at the bottom of this page. We will be updating this list throughout the year as we add more to our schedule – follow our website Events page and social channels for announcement and updates.
We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible in 2019!
WorldwideERC – Hong Kong Summit – Singapore – 17 January
Our Singapore-based Business Development Consultant Brandon Poon will be heading to Hong Kong on January 17th to attend WorldwideERC’s Hong Kong Summit.
One of the central themes of this year’s event is Embracing Innovation in APAC – as a key financial hub for the Asia-Pacific region, Hong Kong is constantly developing its innovation and technology to keep ahead of the curve – and the global talent mobility industry is contributing to the atmosphere of entrepreneurship and invention locally. Companies wishing to build future-ready strategies will attend the event to learn global mobility best practice from their peers and share their challenges with specific reference to the APAC region. Get in touch via the Contact Form to arrange a meeting with Brandon – we look forward to seeing you there.
GRV Global – Action for Disaster Relief – San Jose, Costa Rica – 5-7 February
Mauve Group is extremely proud of its supporting role in the global operations of charities, NGOs and NPOs. Following successful attendance at previous shows, Mauve will exhibit at GRV Global’s Action on Disaster Relief conference in San Jose, Costa Rica.
The event was designed to create a partnership between public and private sector leaders to improve preparations and operations in the wake of disasters, with the ultimate goal to reduce the devastating impact of such incidents. Attendees include stakeholders from a multitude of NGOs, NPOs, charities, disaster agencies and governments around the world, as well as delegates from the United Nations.
Mauve is attending to showcase our market-leading services and the valuable assistance we can provide to organisations looking to streamline processes and maximise operational productivity. Our experts will be sharing our experiences of supporting organisations in the aid and development sector, offering best practice advice on how to maximise effectiveness while minimising expenditure on overseas projects.
The Northern Business Expo – Manchester, U.K. – 12 & 13 March
On 12th and 13th of March this year, our representatives will head to Manchester to attend the Northern Business Expo. The exhibition offers unparalleled advice and opportunity for businesses to navigate challenging economic circumstances and grow their operations.
The event is the largest business show in the North of England and is considered the gold standard event for any entrepreneurs looking to build valuable networking relationships.
Bond Annual Conference – Imperial College, London – 18 & 19 March
Attracting over a thousand people, the Bond Annual Conference brings together diverse organisations and thinkers to share ideas and discuss emerging trends in the international development and humanitarian sectors. The Conference is one of the most highly-regarded and largest of its kind in the UK.
With several international aid events under our belts including InsideNGO and the THET conference, our team are excited to exhibit at the Bond event for the second year running. Mauve is looking forward to extending its networking reach and sharing experiences learnt through our long-standing support of NGOs, NPOs and charities. To arrange a meeting with our global sales team members, please get in touch with us today!
EuRA International Relocation Congress – Munich, Germany – 30 April-3 May
EURA is the European Relocation Association, a body founded to promote professional management of relocation and global mobility within the workplace. EURA connects businesses with suppliers, training and best practice information to ensure smooth transitions as workers relocate or take on new overseas roles.
EURA’s annual European conference will this year visit Munich; representatives from Mauve Group will be in attendance at the event, which acts as a hub for European relocation professionals for training, networking and discussion of industry trends. This will be a fantastic opportunity to catch up with our European-based partners and clients at one of the largest localised events for global mobility experts.
All Ireland Business Summit – Dublin, Ireland – 1 & 2 May
Our sister company, White Coral Business Consulting Ltd, will be attending the 5th annual All-Ireland Business Summit in Dublin’s Croke Park on May 1st and 2nd.
The Summit is an annual gathering of champions in Irish business, bringing together hundreds of business leaders, CEOs, directors and entrepreneurs. The gathering also celebrates the achievements of Irish businesses and explores tactics and strategies to succeed in the local marketplace and beyond. The Summit is specifically designed as a knowledge network to enable peer learning and build meaningful relationships.
Attendees will acquire new ideas and inspirations and build valuable networks across industries. For ticket information, visit the All-Ireland Business Summit website.
SHRM Annual Conference and Exposition – Las Vegas, USA – 23-26 June
Mauve Group are excited to head back to Las Vegas for the SHRM Annual Conference and Exposition, 23rd-26th of June 2019.
The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) is the world’s largest HR society, representing 285,000 members in 165 countries and 575 affiliated chapters across the United States. As the one the largest global events in HR and L&D, SHRM’s Annual Conference and Exposition brings together members from across the globe and acts as a prime location for networking and knowledge-sharing at the many concurrent events, keynote speeches and professional development sessions.
The vast exposition hall is a platform for every fathomable HR service provider, ensuring that delegates looking for operational solutions can cherry-pick the supplier appropriate to their needs. Every year, Mauve Group’s exposition stand attracts a huge volume of traffic and we relish the opportunity to network with professionals from every imaginable area of the HR discipline. We look forward to once again making valuable connections and attending fun-filled events in the entertainment capital of the USA.
Humentum – Washington D.C., USA – 11 & 12 July (official site not yet open)
Following SHRM, we’re looking forward to once again exhibiting at the Humentum Annual Conference this July. The conference is one of the largest events of its kind for professionals in the aid and development sector, offering chances to source suppliers, network with other operations decision-makers and knowledge-share. Mauve takes great pride in its support of this vital sector around the world, and the event is a fantastic platform to explain how we can lessen the operational costs and timescales of international relief and development.
Worldwide ERC Global Workforce Symposium – Boston, USA – 16-18 Oct
Mauve Group returns to the USA later this year to exhibit at Worldwide ERC’s Global Workforce Symposium this October. This time held in Boston, the Symposium aims to bring together global mobility professionals to explore the changing landscape of global talent mobility and develop co-operative and innovative solutions to overcome challenges. Mauve Group is looking forward to returning to the Symposium for a fantastic opportunity to meet with our US-based clients, partners and friends.

Mauve Group to co-host major panel at Wales Week London 2025
Reserve your free ticket and join us as we co-host an exciting evening celebrating Welsh sport, business, and culture.

Mauve Group named top ‘Employer of Record’ provider at HRM Asia Readers’ Choice Awards
Mauve Group recognised as top ‘Employer of Record’ provider at HRM Asia Readers’ Choice Awards.