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Success Stories 2 min read

Omnichannel Communications Company – Testimonial

An omnichannel communications company shares its experience of working with Mauve Group's Contracts, Compliance, and Legal teams.

Mauve Group has a long-standing history of working with global communications clients – from the telecommunications engineers we supported with our very first solutions, right through to the platforms connecting companies to their customers in real-time.

Our client provides omnichannel communications solutions to household-name brands. Facilitating huge numbers of worldwide interactions a day requires the right support people in the right locations – and this is where Mauve comes in.

This busy global organisation shared their feedback on our Global Account Management, Contracts, and Legal colleagues in a new testimonial.

We would like to provide some great feedback on the way Abi (Account Management) has handled the huge volume of work our organisation has thrown at her and Mauve this year! We know it’s been a wild ride and it’s certainly been a collective challenge, but we certainly would have struggled without Abi’s organisation and attentiveness this year and I think our company owes her a lot of gratitude for this.

Abi’s calm and friendly professionalism has certainly helped our team in particular to navigate the complex EoR space which was new to us going into 2021. Although we have identified areas for improvement over the year and there is still lots to do, our feedback has generally been taken on board well and we look forward to continuing on into 2022.

This, of course, extends to the wider team: Paula, Cathy, Sadie (Contracts). Rebecca (Account Management) is always excellent particularly when Abi is off, and our Legal team are very impressed with Myriam’s work preparing contract templates which saves us a lot of time.

HR Specialist, Omnichannel Communications Company

Interested in engaging Mauve’s global services for your business? Contact us to speak to our team of experts.