Healthcare NGO Case Study

Key Facts and Figures
- Client presence in 6 countries worldwide
- Full bespoke risk assessment report in under 2 weeks
- Over 20 years of expansion, HR and project management expertise
Background and Challenges
Our client is a vital NGO providing training and support partnerships between healthcare providers or government health bodies in developed and developing countries, with the aim to improve healthcare infrastructure, research and knowledge-sharing globally. Having steadily expanded across Africa, the organisation now have their own strategic country presence and workers to support projects in 6 locations including Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Myanmar.
Due to the nature of the client’s overseas growth, some projects were initially short-term and required engagement of consultant workers locally before an entity was established – these individuals would field their own taxes and provide evidence of the tax payments to the client. In locations where the client already had its own entity registered, workers were employed and payrolled by the local entity. On a short-term basis, this arrangement meant the client could remain compliant – but in the longer term, their preference was to have their workers employed in-country and placed on local payrolls. The client also required assistance in the registration phase for hub entities in Western and North Africa, and South East Asia.
Mauve’s Solution
Following consultation with the client, Mauve decided the best forward route was to provide a risk assessment service in select countries. This would provide an objective view of the current scenario and indicate any risk to the organisation or its workers that could develop from existing processes. The reporting additionally offered appropriate advice to ensure the organisation’s engagement of the workers was compliant in each country location, for example through the use of employer of record services or establishment of their own entity.
The Process
Mauve’s CEO Ann Ellis met the client’s key global operations decision maker at the aid sector conference BOND in 2017 where they discussed the organisation, structure and future plans. At this stage, the account was passed to Sales Manager Annette who conducted further consultation to learn more about the client, its workers, current global arrangements and any challenges they were facing.
After the initial consultation phase, Mauve worked to provide proposals and quotations for various services such as risk assessments, EoR and payroll-only, in the areas where the client was considering registering an entity. They could then select the option that best-suited their organisational expansion strategy.
When a request for a risk assessment report arises from the client, the account manager spends some time obtaining the full background of the situation and loops in Mauve’s dedicated Compliance department. Team members utilise their 20+ years of compliance knowledge to begin formulating the assessment, supported where necessary by our network of expert local partners in the fields of HR, banking, law and finance. The process of thoroughly researching and constructing the bespoke assessment takes approximately 10 days to delivery, meaning that the client’s global operations decision-makers have all the necessary and relevant facts in a rapid timescale.
Mauve’s support has augmented the client’s commitment to operating with the utmost compliance throughout its expansion in Africa and the Middle East – and our partnership with the client continues to go from strength-to-strength.
The Benefits of Mauve to the Client at a glance:
- Peace of mind that overseas operations are being regularly and expertly compliance-checked;
- Extensive experience and references as a humanitarian/NGO sector specialist;
- Network of fully due-diligence checked local expert partners;
- Understanding of budget constraints of not-for-profit projects;
- Agile, bespoke approach to organization’s individual situation;
- Excellent coverage in Africa and the Middle East.

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