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BK Medical – Testimonial

BK Medical’s Head of Global HR Nikolaj Knudtzon shared his experience of working with Mauve Group and its Employer of Record service.

With 40 years of imaging expertise, BK Medical offers active imaging systems to help surgeons visualise anatomy and lesions, guide interventions, and navigate inside the human body. It aims to improve the standard of care in surgical interventions with real-time visual guidance, providing surgeons the information they need to immediately make critical decisions.

“Around the world, there are areas where we want to do business, but we don’t have a local entity. So Mauve was referred to us by one of our vendors who praised their team for its central approach – where you have one connection point, and out of that comes the different locations, experts, and whatever you need. It sounded perfect for what we required.  

Mauve’s employer of record solution is straightforward and very transparent. They share all the details you need to know about the country’s local rules and regulations, and they assist you with any employment tasks.

Mauve offered a great breakdown of advice and guidance to support us in navigating the complexities. Having Mauve communicate everything we needed to know about the country and its local laws helped us make intuitive decisions – and saved us a lot of time.

For me, another benefit of Mauve was gaining local connections. We were able to acquire insight and advice about employment in Spain while our local worker was also being supported through Mauve’s on-the-ground assistance.

I felt I could trust Mauve in handling situations in the right way. New employment can sometimes feel uncertain or confusing for workers, especially when they learn they are being employed through a third party, so it was great that they could feel both trusted and well taken care of by Mauve.

Our day-to-day work with Mauve functions very well because I’m only needed to make overall decisions. The online portal (Mauve Insight) is also good because all involved parties have access to the same data by simply logging onto the system. It saves a lot of back and forth when it comes to making basic arrangements.

Overall, I find Mauve’s services are great value for money – considering the cost of all the things that could go wrong if you didn’t have this level of support, as well as the number of responsibilities you would have to take on. We have experienced this in some areas where we thought we could manage part of the contract ourselves with the help of external lawyers. It became a very expensive and complicated exercise. But Mauve makes hiring simple with no questions or concerns.  

In the future, if BK Medical has a need to set up in a country anywhere in the world, we will call Mauve.”

Nikolaj Knudtzon – Head of Global HR at BK Medical

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