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Women in Technology, featuring guest speakers Elaine Zhou and Sarah Williams-Gardener

Listen to our latest episode, as two women in technology discuss their journey.

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In this episode, Demetra Tofarides is joined by guest speakers Elaine Zhou (CTO at and Sarah Williams-Gardener (CEO at Fintech Wales.

Elaine and Sarah are experts in the area of business and technology, with a long history of working in these fields.

With their unique perspectives on women in both the technology industry as well as the business world in general, they share their experience over the years; including the challenges they’ve faced and how they’ve overcome them, to reach such senior levels in their fields.

They also reflect on their mistakes and the lessons they learned and give advice to young women in business on how they can be better prepared.

About the host

Originally from Paphos, Cyprus, Demetra’s studies brought her to the UK. Here, she achieved a Masters in Events Management. Following graduation, Demetra worked as a production assistant, creating large-scale events for clients such as EasyJet and Toyota. Now based in Mauve’s Dubai, UAE office, Demetra brings her events expertise to the wider Marketing & PR department.