Coffee Break Q&A: Demetra Tofarides
Get to Know Mauve's Marketing and Events Specialist!
This month on our Coffee Break Q&A series, we welcome one of the more well-known faces of the Mauve Family – Demetra Tofarides! Having joined the company in 2017, Demetra is a Marketing and Events Specialist who has recently been forced to adapt to the digitalisation of events due to the onset of the global pandemic.
Despite a series of complications in an industry that thrives off in-person communication, Demetra’s role developed as she became responsible for Mauve’s video content and other marketing materials.
In our penultimate coffee break of the year, we spoke with Demetra to learn more about her role, her inspiration for starting a career in events, and her opinion on working from home vs coming into the office!
1. Tell us about yourself and your role at Mauve Group.
I’m the Marketing and Events Specialist at Mauve. My role entails a variety of tasks and projects – sometimes unrelated to what you’d expect from a marketing and events role but I’m happy to assist wherever I’m needed, and doing so has helped me get a well-rounded picture of the company. I’m also the host of our video content, and if my colleagues don’t stop hyping me up by telling me I should have a career in television I may have to hand in my resignation soon!
2. How has your role changed since the beginning of the pandemic?
The events industry was hit very hard during the pandemic, therefore, my role became more focused on other areas. To ensure I could still be of value to my team, I’ve spent a lot more time creating video content and taking on other projects. I’m hopeful that soon I can return to doing the events I love.
3. What is your favourite part about working at Mauve?
My favourite part about working at Mauve would definitely be the people. Our CEO and CFO, Ann and John, have always been great at listening to my concerns and ambitions and have encouraged me in many ways. I’ve also been incredibly fortunate to have a manager like Kerry who has always been very open with me, giving me new opportunities to take on more responsibility. She gives me the space to work in my own way without trying to micro-manage, something that has really enabled me to put my own touch on various projects.
4. What inspired you to start a career in events?
When I was a kid, I always dreamt of becoming an actress. As I got older, I lost my childhood fancifulness and settled on a more stable and realistic ambition of becoming a lawyer. After a year of law at university, I realised I enjoyed watching the Law and Order series from my couch more than I enjoyed actually being the lawyer! Unsure of what career to pursue next, I decided to change my course to Business and Management because it was very broad and gave me many options once I graduated.
One evening, my mom and I were having a conversation about my next steps. She asked a very simple question: “What do you enjoy?” I remembered the time I organised events in high school. Specifically, there was one event I was leading – a charity fashion show, the first of its kind in our little town of Paphos. I woke up at 6 am on the event day and worked until 9 pm. After we wrapped up, I realised I hadn’t had a single bite to eat that day because I was so focused on the event. For someone like me (who never skips a meal!), that was a sign that this was what I was truly passionate about. Within one week, I had applied and been accepted on a Masters course in Events Management in London – and I have never regretted the decision since.
5. Do you prefer to work from home or in the office?
I love having the option to do both. Going into the office every day in a city like London can cost many hours of your time, but working from home every day can become boring when you’re not interacting with anyone. I have the perfect balance of both worlds.
6. What is your number one tip for combating distractions in the workplace?
I always try to ask myself “is this serving my goal, my role, my project?” If the answer is no, I don’t give it much, if any, attention.
7. If you were famous, what would you be famous for?
If you ask my family and friends, I think they’d say I’d be famous for my attitude when someone is rude or disrespectful towards myself or others! I have no shame or hesitation in correcting people’s bad manners, behaviours, or overall rudeness, especially when it’s been aimed at one of my family members.
8. If you had to delete all but 3 apps from your phone, which ones would you keep?
- Messenger – so I can keep in touch with family and friends back home, specifically older family members who only use this app.
- Spotify – to listen to music of course.
- TikTok – because there are some really amazing, talented, funny people on there who can make me laugh on the hardest of days.
9. Who is your idol, and have you ever met them?
Piers Morgan! I know I will get a lot of hate for this – he’s someone I discovered a few years ago and haven’t been able to take my focus off since. Whilst I don’t agree with all his opinions, it’s his confidence, humour, ambition, and refusal to succumb to popular opinions if it’s not what he truly believes that intrigues and inspires me. I feel he is very relatable to the average person. I haven’t met him, but if I ever had the chance, I think his fierce attitude against mine would make for a great time!
10. What is your favourite life motto?
I don’t really have one single motto, but if I had to say one thing that experience has taught me, it is to not be definite or absolute in my convictions and plans. Some things I believed very strongly in my early 20s, I’ve now come to view differently. And that’s okay. Being open to this change means you’re allowing yourself to grow. Similarly, a plan that I had at some point in my life may be forced to change due to unforeseen circumstances – being open and accepting of this will mean you can quickly adjust and find peace and happiness on a new path.
Thank you Demetra for joining us on this month’s Coffee Break Q&A! For more updates on our Coffee Break Q&As, follow Mauve Group on Twitter and LinkedIn.
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