The climate crisis: how to support global workforces
Supporting your international workforce through the impacts of climate change
Climate change has accelerated globally beyond previous scientific estimates. The recent IPCC report signaled global issues were happening faster and more frequently than anyone expected. International companies with global workers in multiple locations are at an increased likelihood of being impacted by climate issues. As extreme weather is poised to become the norm for many countries, here’s how to support your workers from afar.
Understand the issues
Understanding the issues on a global scale is important for global companies. Economies in the Global South bear the brunt of global climate change as warming temperatures and unpredictable weather patterns drive economic hardship. Governments around the world are in a race against time to map, monitor, and protect against the threats faced by their countries. Rapid deployment of expert and qualified personnel on the ground for evaluation of the local environmental situation is vital; however, getting these individuals in-country within the constraints of a budgeted and time-sensitive project can be a challenge. Mauve can provide Employer of Record or visa and immigration assistance to global environmental experts to help them avoid international red tape and share their expertise with countries that need them the most.
Internally, educational environmental courses to make employees aware of the issues can help the general sustainability of your business. Some environmental charities suggest incorporating basic environmental training into company learning and development programmes, in the same way as health and safety. This training can take many forms such as informing your workforce of the global issues brought about by climate change, working to draw a link between individual actions and CO2 emissions, or giving employees tools and strategies to lower their individual environmental impact.
Provide support
International companies can implement support and disaster relief systems for workers in at-risk countries. Getting your international workers emergency assistance can be difficult when you are managing them remotely. With inclusive global mobility policies such as 24/7 emergency assistance, you have peace of mind that your workers have access to any support or emergency relief they need. Mauve Group can ensure the safety of all global employees with our range of value-added services. We can provide a range of solutions to safeguard international employees according to local needs. These security services include virtual medical assistance, private guards, 24/7 emergency assistance, or simply regularly updating international employees on government advice and alerts.
Companies can also provide support internally through mental health services to combat environmental anxiety or panic. Creating a company culture that recognises the issues but steers away from unconstructive and often immobilising panic could be beneficial over the next few years. Encouraging employees to discuss ways to improve individual sustainability while incorporating environmentally friendly business practices into wider company policy will help workers feel assured that they are playing their part without resorting to overwhelming stress. Internal company awareness campaigns can be a fun and informative way to reduce employee carbon output whilst including them in wider environmental gains.
Play your part
Regardless of size or location, all businesses occupy a carbon footprint. When expanding globally, consulting experts about how to move workers or open locations in foreign markets can help ensure that corporate strategy is both socially responsible and fully compliant. Local community needs and environmental regulations will vary from country to country, some locations even have legally mandated environmental standards that need to be met or local legislation that standardises corporate social responsibility.
It is important to maintain a sustainable company policy from the top-down whilst encouraging employees to do the same. Reducing emissions, carbon offsetting, or sustainability training can be included in general company policy or factored into corporate social responsibility strategy. Implementing everyday carbon-reducing practices can have a significant effect on a businesses’ general sustainability. Even the smallest steps such as making a conscious effort to minimise unnecessary travel, increasing the efficacy of office energy usage, or adopting environmental awareness training can improve a business’ environmental output. Experts argue the pandemic may have slowed business travel for the foreseeable future. Going forward, prioritising only necessary air travel is a great way to reduce carbon emissions for the entire company.
Need help managing your global workforce safety, understanding international regulations, or ensuring your CSR strategy works globally? Speak to our experts today: Contact us | Mauve Group – Experts in Expansion
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